Technical internship scheme

About on-the-job training system

Advantages of accepting capable interns

  • Internal activation

    By taking on ambitious young people with a drive to improve themselves, this will invigorate the company as a whole. The training
    The training period is 3 to 5 years, and employment can be secured on completion of the training period. (There are 285,000 technical intern trainees at the end of June, 2018)

  • Review of work process

    The successful candidate will be expected take full advantage of the opportunity, with reviews of the work flow and manual aimed towards the improvement of the interns work through effective planning.

  • International Exchange

    Through international exchange with technical interns, employees can deepen their international understanding. The purpose of the system is for technical interns to use the acquired skills in their mother country and make an international contribution. It also provides a bridge to the intern’s home country, providing a stepping stone to overseas expansion. It is possible to develop human resources when establishing overseas offices.

Number of technical interns

Number of technical interns
Total number of full-time staff implementing training Number of technical interns
301 people and above 1/20 of the total full-time staff
201~300 people 15 people
101~200 people 10 people
51~100 people 6 people
41~50 people 5 people
31~40 people 4 people
Less than 30 people 3 people

※The number of full-time staff does not include technical interns (No.1, 2 and 3).

Technical intern qualifications

  • Apprentices to be accepted from age 18
  • Fundamental Japanese ability must be at least N4 recognized.

Application process through to technical internship

Flow from your application to Immigration(about 7-8 months)



  • ・Recruitment conditions, technical internship application
  • ・Joining the organization
  • ・Start local recruitment

Interview and screening

  • ・Applicant screening,Written examination,Practical exam,The primary interview
  • ・Secondary interview with companies like on site

Immigration application

  • ・Certificate of residence status application
  • ・Technical training plan
  • ・Immigration application, etc.

Local training

  • ・Japanese language education (about 3 months)
  • ・Life education such as Japanese culture, lifestyle, rule
  • ・Medical checkup
  • ・Air ticket arrangement etc.
Company document requirements
  • Technical intern application form
  • Corporate registration form etc.
  • Last year’s financial statement

Procedures post arrival in Japan


Arrival in Japan


Pre-assignment training

  • ・Japanese language training for about one month
  • ・General life training

Year 1

  • ・Activities as a technical intern in the first year
  • ・Take an exam for technical training 11 months after entry Exam to be taken 11 months after arrival
    →Successful applicants shift to Skills Training phase 2, with visa renewal.

Year 2 – Return to home country

  • ・Activities as a technical intern
  • ・It is possible to work as a technical intern until the 5th year, assuming conditions are met.

The company will provide daily necessities such as residence utilities etc.
